• 12inch
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Touch EP

  • Cat No: TOYT177
  • updated:2024-12-12


12inch 2190 JPY

〈Toy Tonics〉のニューリリースは、ここ5年でロンドンのハウスシーンやTOY TONICS周辺では欠かせない存在になったというCody Currieの「Touch EP」。

マルチ・ミュージシャンで、DJでもあるCody Currie。レイジーで、キャッチーなヴォーカル、ユニークなビート感とファンキーばベースラインでグルーヴする「No Ice」、ソフト、浮遊感のあるヴォーカルの「Touch」、グルーヴィなベース トーンのギタリスト才人Ally McMahonをフィーチャリングしたフィルター・ディスコな「Warp Zone」など盛り上がりを見せる〈Toy Tonics〉周辺。充実のリリース。 (サイトウ)

Toy Tonics presents a new EP by one of the labels lead artists: CODY CURRIE. The London born talent comes with 4 new tracks that combine neo soul and jazz funk with uptempo house music
Cody usually plays all the instruments on his tracks working as the bassplayer, singer, guitar virtuoso and drummer and becoming one of the hot names in London's club scene as a DJ around 5 years ago at a young age.

His vibe is similar to his the soulful and extravagant sound as these his heros had. Not needing any help from anybody. Even mixing and engeenering all his music himself
Cody Currie’s sound is perfect for today’s DJ sets and fits with the current wave of funky house and groove oriented music coming from London that is taking over the clubs.

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