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Agartha Remixe

  • Cat No: Kompakt 498
  • updated:2025-03-27


12inch 2450 JPY

フランス神秘思想家アレクサンドル・サン=ティーヴ・ダルヴェードル著書、東洋のどこか地球内部にある地底文明、理想世界アガルタをテーマにした、Wata Igarashiならではのパーソナルな内省宇宙も炸裂した知覚の扉を開くかのようなエレクトロニック・サイケデリック神秘的テクノ宇宙傑作アルバム「Agartha」からのネクスト提案!待望リミックスEPがリリース!!

コンセプチュアル壮大なるサウンド・デザインが施された瞑想的ディープリスニング・アルバム「Agartha」からのネクスト次なる発展は、フロアとの親和性を高らかに繋ぐかのような自身によるセルフ2リミックス、BPM138、サイケデリック・テクノ・アシッディー・マスタークラスとなるピークタイム躍動フロア炸裂するA1「Agartha (Wata Igarashi Sorcery Acid Mix)」(sample1)、BPM123、緻密なサウンドデザイン音響効果と共にサイケデリック香しい荘厳なる美麗ミニマリズム・エレクトロニック・ハウスに仕立て直したA2「Floating Against Time (Wata Igarashi Shimmering Mix) 」(sample2)、BPM125、KompaktボスMichael Mayerによる、後半のドラマチックな展開も熟練手腕、安定感のあるミニマル・ディスコ・テック・リミックスB1「Ceremony Of The Dead (Michael Mayer Mix)」(sample3)、BPM137、これからのKompaktを担うであろうレーベル期待ケルンのフレッシュ気鋭DJ/プロデューサーPhilipp Stoffel によるミニマル・トランシー・アンビエント美麗リミックスB2「Abyss II x Darkness (Philipp Stoffel Fusion Mix)」も華麗な4リミックスを収録。 (コンピューマ)

Over the course of a decade, Wata Igarashi has risen as one of techno's most accomplished DJs and producers. His highly aesthetic trademark sound is as heavily psychedelic as it's driven by its stern kinetic energy. It's often overlooked that Igarashi is much more than a torch bearer of the raw hypnotic techno he became known for. He's also a very accomplished and versatile musician with a deep understanding of the cause and effect of sound design. His skills are fully on display on 2023's full length "Agartha", a film score to a fictitious movie about the mythical underworld of planet Mars. It was a rather obvious idea to cross the bridge between this epic deep listening album and Wata Igarashi's techno persona by having him remix himself. As you might expect, the "Agartha Sorcery Acid Mix" has turned out to be a masterclass in psychedelic designer techno. It's slightly slower in BPM as the usual Igarashi fare but every bit as captivating. The "Floating Against Time Shimmering Mix" shows another intriguing facet of Wata's spectrum. Let's call it: Psychedelic Deep House. KOMPAKT's very own Michael Mayer couldn't resist to turn the Godzilla soundtrack-ish "Ceremony Of The Dead" into a positively hysterical minimal disco operette. And then there's the "Fusion Mix of Abyss x Darkness" by Philipp Stoffel, a fresh Cologne DJ producer whose AKTE club nights just spawned a label by the same name. He's definitely one to keep an eye on in 2025.

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