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Various Artists
Under Frustration Vol.2
- Cat No: IF1053
- updated:2019-12-05
チュニジアからベルリンまで結ぶアートコレクティブ”ARABSTAZY”と〈INFINE〉が共同制作した現代のアラブ電子音楽コンピレーション!HYPERDUBからもリリースするDJ HARAM(DISCWOMAN)ら10名のアーティストが参加。ベース、ダブステップ〜実験音楽の介入により中東音階の神秘性は多様化。
Track List
The “Under Frustration” project takes stock of the contemporary Arab electronic scene, and highlights its astonishing diversity, by deconstructing Western clichés that are still fantasizing about a culturally homogenous Arab world.
In a context of post-revolutionary disillusion, this ambitious trilogy sets itself as a manifesto of a new, futuristic, underground wave that aims to uplift the Arab voice, once again. With this new release, Arabstazy allows the listener to walk among Shiite, Shaabi or Stambali lands - revealing new mystical sounds, reserved for trance ceremonies and ancestral rituals; all vivid in the eyes of the collective members, musicians, producers, videographers and photographers, nowadays, scattered between the United States, Tunisia, Germany, France, Sweden, Irak, Lebanon and Poland.
Vol2 includes unreleased tracks of Dj Haram, Praed, Hello Psychaleppo, Okydoki and many more.
Curated by Arabstazy, produced by Shouka, published by InFiné.
In a context of post-revolutionary disillusion, this ambitious trilogy sets itself as a manifesto of a new, futuristic, underground wave that aims to uplift the Arab voice, once again. With this new release, Arabstazy allows the listener to walk among Shiite, Shaabi or Stambali lands - revealing new mystical sounds, reserved for trance ceremonies and ancestral rituals; all vivid in the eyes of the collective members, musicians, producers, videographers and photographers, nowadays, scattered between the United States, Tunisia, Germany, France, Sweden, Irak, Lebanon and Poland.
Vol2 includes unreleased tracks of Dj Haram, Praed, Hello Psychaleppo, Okydoki and many more.
Curated by Arabstazy, produced by Shouka, published by InFiné.
重厚なサブベースに映えるドライな打楽器とアラビックな旋律が親和したDJ HARAM「Overeager」や、モダンエレクトロにアラブ民謡を重ねたNAZAL「Pigment Liner」など、UK重低音と中東のストイックな地域性のシンクロ率がとにかく高い。HELLO PSYCHALEPPOのトラップ「100=1」や、MISS MACHINE のフィールドレコーディング作品「Desire」など、従来のアラブ神秘主義な枠外を超えた実験性やジャンルの多様性もかなり興味深い。 (Akie)