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Another Thought

  • Cat No: BEWITH108LP
  • updated:2024-11-25


2LP 5790 JPY

ARTHUR RUSSELL没後に、PHILIP GLASSの〈POINT MUSIC〉からリリースされた、必聴の一枚のひとつ「Another Thought」がBE WITHからアナログ化!

アレン・ギンズバーグとの出会い、NYCの前衛音楽、アンダーグラウンド・ディスコの世界を生き、エイズで他界した伝説の音楽家アーサー・ラッセル。没後の1994年にフィリップ・グラスの〈POINT MUSIC〉からリリースされた未発表音源のCDコンピレーションが〈BE WITH RECORDS〉から初のアナログとして再発。彼の代表曲の一つ「In The Light Of The Miracle」の別テイクや、後にリメイクされる「This Is How We Walk On The Moon」、マシーンビートの「My Tiger, My Timing」、「A Little Lost」。全てボーカルソング、チェロとやゲストを交えた演奏を主体にアーサー・ラッセルのシンガーとしての魅力あふれる一枚。見開きスリーヴのシンサートシート封入140g 2LP。生涯の一枚になり得るアルバムです。 (サイトウ)

2021 re-issue, 140g double vinyl, gatefold sleeve with insert and original liner notes

Another Thought was the first collection of Arthur Russell’s music to be released after his death in 1992. Released on CD by Point Music in 1993 it marked the beginning of nearly 30 years of work to let the world hear the enormous archive of unreleased recordings Arthur left behind. Be With revisits this first compilation for a new gatefold double vinyl version and a triple-fold digipak CD re-issue.

This is the only place where you can hear some of Arthur’s most recognisable music, like the title track Another Thought, A Little Lost, This Is How We Walk On The Moon, Keeping Up and the woozy disco of In The Light Of The Miracle and My Tiger, My Timing. Though technically a compilation, the whole of Another Thought comes together as a consistent, coherent, wonderful album.

Thanks to Janette Beckman for helping reproduce her iconic photograph of Arthur in his newspaper boat hat for the new vinyl sleeve. And thanks also to Tom Lee for giving permission to include his liner notes from the original CD booklet, together with Arthur’s lyrics.

Another Thought is absolutely essential for even the most casual Arthur Russell collection. In fact it’s essential for any fan of non-obvious pop music.

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